Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Song/Slideshow Assignment

For this assignment, we had to make a song on Garage Band or a related program (I used Logic Express), and put a slideshow to it. It took me a while to write the song, as I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and if the project weren't getting ridiculously late, I would keep changing it, because it definitely still has some problems. But that's all right (sort of). Anyway, the slideshow I chose to use (Actually a movie, made in iMovie) depicts scenes of nature in different ways. For the verses of the song, I used pictures of human interference with nature, and for the chorus I used pictures of nature without a lot of human influence. The question I want to ask in this slideshow is should we interfere? 

I took all of these images (except one I believe was taken by my little brother), and some are from around Goderich, and some are from Colorado. Some are even around the school. Anyway, hope you enjoy.

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